Wall Extends Contract with Exeter Chiefs Women

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Ireland international Dorothy Wall has signed up for more time at Sandy Park.

One of the PWR’s breakthrough players of the 2024/25 season, Wall played in 12 games for Chiefs, following her return from the 2024 WXV 1 tournament, and scored three tries.

A standout player in her pink scrum-cap, Wall has also made her presence felt in defence and in attack.

Wall was the top carrier for Chiefs Women with 155 and made the second most drive metres with 139 behind Hope Rogers. She also made the second most tackles (205) for the team behind Poppy Leitch.

Assistant coach Steve Salvin said: “Doro has been a revelation since she joined us. Her professional approach to her game is fantastic and her drive to improve is a pleasure to watch.

“She just wants to be the best rugby player she can be and leaves no stone unturned. Her carrying has added real value to our attack this season and her defence is improving with every game. Her lineout knowledge is continually developing, and we have no doubt she is going to show everyone what she is capable of at the World Cup”

Currently training with Ireland’s Six Nations squad, Wall said: “This last year of rugby has been one of the most enjoyable for me, albeit we didn’t get the result we wanted.

“Coming to Chiefs the year before a World Cup was exactly what I needed and hopefully has added to what I can bring to the Irish team in the next year. The opportunity to play with such experienced players, with alternative perspectives and just good people, has benefited me no end.

“I am excited to have signed with Chiefs for the coming season and motivated to see where we can go in the next year. Although a tumultuous season, knowing that we have the potential to go far is very exciting for me, individually, and us, collectively, as a player group.”

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