Trophies to go on show at Cathedral

By Mark Stevens
Exeter Chiefs Rugby Club is to display both its Heineken Champions Cup and its Gallagher Premiership Cup at Exeter Cathedral from Friday evening.
The newly-won trophies will be on display to the public from 6:45pm.
Fresh from their historic double victory – winning the European title on 17 October, then the Gallagher Premiership title just seven days later – the Chiefs’ chairman and chief executive Tony Rowe OBE wants to thank the people of Exeter for their support.
“We are all incredibly proud of the team’s achievements this year. But we all know that we would not have reached this point without the ongoing support of the people of Exeter and faithful fans from further afield. So offering everyone the chance to see the trophies in the heart of the city, at the Cathedral, is one way of sharing this victory with them all,” said Mr Rowe.
For the Dean of Exeter, the Very Revd Jonathan Greener, Exeter Cathedral provides the perfect setting: “Exeter Cathedral is here for the people of Devon, through both difficult and joyful times. The incredible achievements of Exeter Chiefs is a much needed cause for celebration, and we are delighted to be able to host that celebration in the centre of Exeter.”
The trophies will be on display from 6:45pm-9pm this Friday, then 10am-4pm on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Entry to view the trophies is free of charge, but visitors will need to book in advance via Exeter Cathedral’s online booking site , where tickets will be available from noon on Thursday.
The Cathedral is following national guidelines to keep the building Covid secure, and visitors will be required to wear masks throughout and sanitise hands on entering the building. A limited number of people will be let in every 30 minutes.